Friday, August 9, 2013

Basketball Info You Cannot Possibly Live Without

So many people all over the world are in search of information on how to become a better basketball player. If you would like tips and tricks to help you become better, the place to learn them is right here. Keep reading and get an education on what makes a good basketball player.

When you're dribbling the ball, you should avoid looking down at the ball. You should be able to dribble without staring at the ball. If you can dribble without seeing the ball, you'll be able to keep your eyes on the rest of the game. This will help you to know who is open for a pass or if you have a chance to take a shot.

Practicing with your team is important, but don't overlook the value of daily practice on your own. Set up a daily practice time for yourself and stick to your schedule. Practice footwork, shooting, and dribbling. It is also important to include strength training and endurance training in your practice schedule.

Bounce passes are important in the game of basketball. Executed properly, a bounce pass will connect with the receiving player at the waist. It's generally a good idea to pass the ball about three-fourths of the distance between you and the receiving teammate. Of course, there are factors that should be taken into consideration when passing using the bouncing technique.

To improve your basketball dribbling skills, set cones out on the court and practice dribbling in and out of the cones. Go from one end of the court to the other at different speeds to enhance your ball control. After you have been up and down the court several times, practice stopping and shooting from various positions.

A great way to learn how to pass is by doing drills often with no dribbling. Passing drills with your team is important for accurate passes during game time, and you can try doing them without dribbling at all. This may be hard and frustrating at first, but as you get the hang of it your entire team will begin to excel at passing.

Be careful not to travel when dribbling the basketball. Traveling occurs when you take too many steps in between dribbles. It's most likely to happen when going up for a shot. Just one extra step will mean the difference between a score and a turnover, so practice shooting as often as you can.

Stop and ask your coach what you can do to help the team improve. Basketball is a team sport and every component must be working towards a common goal. The coach is there to offer guidance and provide instruction. Ask if there's anything specific you can do to help and follow his advice.

Beware of picking up bad habits from street basketball games. Street games are often rougher and flashier than team basketball. It's a game to impress through individual showmanship, not from your work as part of a bigger group. Therefore, you can bring the wrong skills to the table if you base your team play on what you've learned from street games. Remember, you are part of something bigger than just you.

As you can see from the above article, anyone can become a better basketball player and that includes you. Don't worry if it seems hard at first, all you need is a little bit of practice. Gather up all this information and use it to your advantage the next time you step onto the court.

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